Third Presbyterian Church of Rockford
Check out our latest Events! We hope to see you there!  
Family Worship
Is on the first Sunday of the month.
February 2, 2025
Family Worship  
 Join us for Music, dancing, fun lessons, crafts,
candle lighting, Lord’s prayer & communion. 
Everyone Welcome!
Piece Corp Quilting Group
We meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month
February 12th & 26th
at 9:30pm (bring a sack lunch)
Everyone Welcome! Invite a Friend.

Can you Cut out squares? 

   Sew Seams? 

          or Tie knots?

  Then there is a job for you!


Looking for a gift for your Valentine?

Check out the beautiful homemade quilts made

By our Piece Corps.  We have many to choose from.

On Sunday you can ask Glenda, Sue or Jeannie

to assist you to see The different colors and sizes .

Small quilts are $20.00 the large quilts $40.00

We are also at church on

Wed Jan 22nd and Wed Feb12th.






Child safety & Active Shooter Training

February 16th after Worship

We encourage all members of our congregation to attend the Child Safety & Active Shooter Training on February 16th,  following worship. This training will provide valuable insights and practical steps to help ensure the safety and well-being  of our children, families, and church community. In a time when safety is a growing concern, it’s essential that we are   all equipped with the knowledge and tools to respond       effectively in any situation. By attending this training, you can help create a safer environment for everyone. Your          participation is a proactive step toward fostering a secure  and welcoming space for all who come to worship together. Please join us for this crucial opportunity to learn, engage, and make a difference.

Please let us know if you are able to attend by calling the church office or signing up in the Fellowship Room.




Souper Bowl Sunday

During Sunday School and Worship we’ll pass a soup pot for each of the teams playing in the Super Bowl and collect donations for Rock House Kids!




Listen to Third Presbyterian Church Live on…
WTPB-LP Radio, Sunday Mornings at 10:15 AM

WTPB-LP Serving The Rockford Area!

Since October of 2003,  WTPB-LP (99.3 FM)
has made available to the Rockford area a wonderful mix of inspirational and entertainment programming for the entire family through the ministry of Third Presbyterian Church. Whether you have listened through these years or have just discovered us, we hope to be a blessing to your days.

Faith Builder’s Bible Study
First & Third Thursdays of the month
February 6th & February 20th

Faith Builders is a welcoming Bible study group for women who meet twice a month at our church. They gather on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 9:45AM to dive into enriching lessons from The Upper Room. Our next meeting is this Thursday, August 1st, and we would love for you to join us!

Currently, our group consists of 7 wonderful women, and we are always excited to welcome new faces. Come share in fellowship, study, and growth with us.

Warmest blessings,


Book Club

 Sailboat Church
“Helping Your Church Rethink
Rev. Joan Gray
As the year begins, we will read and discuss
“Sailboat Church”  written by Rev. Joan Gray.  
Discussion groups will be offered on Sunday mornings befroe and after worship in February and on Wednesday evenings during the season of Lent.  Gray’s book will give us an opportunity to begin to consider possibilities for a renewal of our call to be God’s church.